Were You Are Compatible With Your Ex?

The reason why many relationships don’t work is because there is no compatibility between the couple. There is connection but you’re not compatible. You are together, but not a match. Do you know what I mean?

 As I said, you can be together with someone but not be a match, not be compatible at all. 

I give myself as an example. I was married for twenty eight years and my ex and I were not in sync ever,  we were not compatible at all, we were never in agreement, hence there were many arguments, many fights, that brought me a lot of sorrow and frustration. When you’re not compatible, there is lack of coordination, in every area of your life, you’re never in agreement, it’s like two left feet in the body, it can never work. Right?

When you’re not compatible you row in different directions, you have different plans, you have different goals, you know what I mean? You never walk together, you are never in the same direction, and many times what happens? One of you gets lost, because one of you is trying to shrink, you know?  To fit in, and what happens is that you lose your identity. You lose your identity because you’re trying to become compatible with the other person – you are trying, you are fighting, but you just end up frustrated, unhappy, unfulfilled. So, the best way is to go separate ways to avoid further frustration, further sorrow, misery.

You cannot delude yourself and think that things will change one day – they will not. You’re just deluding yourself and wasting your time and just bringing more sorrow and misery into your life, to yourself, and disturbing your mental health. The best way is to go separate ways, the best way is to leave the relationship.

A Marriage does not work without compatibility, compatibility starts from conversation, if you are unable to conversate, to communicate with your partner you cannot be compatible, because compatibility starts with understanding, understanding each other. And for us to be able to understand each other we have to be able to communicate. Right? We must be able to speak each other’s language, and when two people are incompatible you are unable to understand each other, and every time you are with this person there’s argument, there’s fights, there’s disagreements – constantly. You can never be happy, you can never be happy in this kind of relationship.

Therefore, if you are not a match with your partner, if you are incompatible, the best way is to leave, is to go separate ways. Even if they’re not a bad person, if you’re unable to communicate what’s the point in being in the relationship? Do yourself a favour, avoid further frustration, avoid further misery, just end what is not working, what will never work.

When you meet people that are compatible with you, you don’t need to shrink, you’re going to be yourself and they’re going to be themselves; there is harmony, you guys understand each other, you are able to communicate. Compatibility does not require anyone shrinking, or lying, or faking – you are always in agreement, in harmony. And that is what we’re looking for, isn’t it? We are looking for a healthy relationship, for happiness, for laughter and smiles more often than tears and arguments; right?

So, if you’re not happy in your relationship, you should consider these points, and well… leave if you have to leave.