How can I deal with my painful emotions, I’m heartbroken?

Here’s one simple tip that’s going to help you start healing fast from your heartbreak.

Get a journal and start writing:

. I feel sad because…
. I feel hurt because…

Just write down whatever you are feeling right now.

You’re going to start writing and you’re going to tap into your subconscious.

You’re going to start writing things that you didn’t even know you were genuinely experiencing.

All those emotion are going to start rising up.

Allow yourself to feel them.

Don’t suppress them or fight them, the body can process emotions faster than you think, the only reason that emotions linger longer is because you withhold yourself and suppress those emotions.

So don’t do that!

After that you’re going to ask:

. How is this working for me?
. How is this situation working for me?

Start writing: your brain is going to start providing evidence on how this situation is working for your good.

I promise that you’re going to get more mental clarity and you’re going to feel more in control of your emotions.

Contact me for further support.

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